Wow! The rollercoaster of joys and tragedy continue in Acts 12.
The chapter opens with startling news that James is killed and Peter is put in prison. We don't get much details about what happened with James such as how long he was in prison before he was killed "with the sword".
I heard Greg Laurie commenting on this passage once and he said that the church was probably a bit apathetic and may not have been praying hard when James was first arrested. They were used to such things happening to some degree but they usually were released. So when James was put to death, it was likely a wake up call to the church. They knew that they needed to be praying hard and now when Peter is arrested we see that the church is praying through the night for him with "earnest" prayer (v 5). We don't know the details around James situation, but I agree that this is a likely scenario and seems to be hinted at in the details of the text. He further commented that they were praying though with unbelief because they were praying through the night for Peter to be released and when God miraculously gets Peter out of prison in the middle of the night, when he goes to the door where they are praying, they at first cannot believe that it could be Peter. It is as if they didn't/couldn't believe that God could/would answer at that time of day and in that way. On the other hand, I probably would have reacted in the same way.
Lord Jesus, help me to pray earnestly and not to just assume that things will work out fine. Help me also to trust in you when I pray and to have the faith to expect your answers that are beyond all that I can ask or think (Eph 3:20).
The story of Peter's release is quite dramatic! He is chained directly to two guards, held in a prison with multiple locked doors and four squads of soldiers (a squad is 8-14 soldiers - so 32-56 soldiers) specifically guarding him! An angel comes in, hits Peter to wake him, and the chains fall off his wrists and the prison doors swing open by themselves. The soldiers must have been put into a supernatural sleep because none of them knew this happened. King Herod cross-examined the guards and had them all executed. Wow! That is an amazing miraculous escape!
Then Herod grows in his pride, even allowing people to call him God, so God brings him low and struck him down and he was eaten with worms and died. So God takes out the enemy of the gospel in a supernatural way and then the word of God continues to increase and multiply.
We see the amazing ending, but we have to remember that things probably seemed very dark and bleak at the beginning when James was executed. We need to remember that when things seem impossible and dark and hopeless, that God is still on the throne. We need to turn our eyes and our hearts to him in earnest prayer and put our hope and trust in him. He is able to deliver us from even the most impossible situations. We don't need to take things into our own hands and fight and we don't need to run and hide. But we need to continue in faith and earnest prayer, keeping our eyes on God and casting our cares, worries and crisis on him.
Lord, help us to do this!