Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ephesians 2

The opening sentence of chapter 2 is quite interesting and full of key information about sin and Satan.
1) We were once dead because of sin
2) Sin is the way of the world that we used to follow
3) The ruler of the kingdom of the air (Satan) is behind the ways of the world
4) Satan is at work in those who are disobedient

In verse 3 we see that we were "by nature" objects of wrath - persons destined only for God's judgement by our very nature.  And that sinful nature we used to live in such a way as to please its every desire and craving.

But thanks be to God for his love and kindness who
1) made us alive with Christ (v5)
2) saved us by grace - his gift, not our work or deserving (v 5,8,9)
3) seated us with Christ in the heavenly realms (v 6)
4) He made us to do good works, which he prepared in advance for us do (v10)

Not only that, but he made us who didn't belong to him, to belong to him, to be part of his chosen, holy nation - the people of God.  By the cross, Jesus both destroyed the separation between Jews and Gentiles so that they could be one in Christ, and he reconciled us to God and made peace between God and us.  Jesus is our peace!

That is an amazing love and kindness that he has shown to us!  He didn't do these things because we deserved them or because we were righteous, but because he loved us and wanted us to know him and to belong to him and be a part of his kingdom!

Thank you Lord Jesus for changing my nature so I am not an object of wrath, but now belong to you!

1 comment:

  1. I have been learning a little bit about the history of the Viking people, which is my natural heritage. I was surprised to learn what a miserable people they were, consumed with violence, theft, and rape. I remember learning that all the people's of northern Europe were uncivilized until Christianity came to them. For myself, this Scripture applies directly, "But now is Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ" (verse 13). Indeed we all the people's of God's creation are "dead in their trespasses and sins" until God makes us "alive together with Christ." To experience this new life I have to renounce my natural inheritance and be willing to submit to God the Father and the authority that he places over me.

    I really like verse 10 that says "we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand," because it fills me with hope that God has something planned for me to do. I want to be available and willing to do what God wants.
