Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2 Corinthians 8

In this chapter, Paul is urging the Corinthian church to complete the gift of giving that he referred to in the previous letter.  He makes some important points about generosity and giving within the body of Christ:
  1. The gift (grace) of giving is rooted in the example of Christ who, though he was rich, became poor for our sakes (v 9).
  2. When we have been given extra by God, the purpose is to be able to help others who are in need (v 13-14)
  3. It is not about the amount that we give, but more about the willingness to give (v 12) and give as we are able
  4. There is a giving that can go beyond what we are able that should flow from joy and willingness, not from compulsion or actions to look good or be accepted by others (v 3)
Paul will continue this theme in the next chapter as well.  It may seem to some that a large amout of time is being spent talking about money, and that is true.  Jesus talked about money (see Matthew 6 and others) and the use of it many times.  It is an area where we often feel that it is "ours" and no one has the right to tell us what to do with it.  The issue and question though is are we willing to obey God with our money?  The real issue is to recognize that when we are followers of Jesus, it is not "our" money, it is God's!  If we really have given every part of our lives to Jesus, that will include our time and our money.  If we are his servants, then we will follow him and listen to how he wants us to use the money that he has entrusted us with.

It also has to do with trust.  We are called to trust and honor God by giving him a tithe (10% of our income - Malachi 3:7-12).  If we say that we know that God will provide for our needs and that he has provided us with our jobs and with our health, the evidence of that trust is in how we use the money.  Do we tithe and give God his portion first?  Do we go beyond the tithe, which is just the beginning point, and look to see how we can bless others and use the money that God has given us to grow his kingdom and bless others.  If we trust God to take care of us, we needn't horde our money and worry about losing it, because we know that He will take care of us. 

Now this doesn't call for a foolish use of our money either.  Some have taken this to mean that they should give away all their money to follow Jesus.  That is not the point, unless Jesus asks you specifically to do that.  Otherwise, we are just following our own good ideas and some who have done this then are not able to take care of their families.  The key here is that we need to be servants of Christ, listening and following the voice of his Holy Spirit, honoring him in our time, our money, our lives, our conversation and with all that we have.  Jesus has promised that if we seek first the kingdom of heaven, that he will provide for us all that we need for food, clothing and shelter - all of our needs (Matthew 6:25-33).

Certainly as well, money has been an area of great sin and temptation for churches.  Some pastors and church workers have used God's money to make themselves rich.  Paul warned of such men to Timothy that some "men of corrupt mind...think that godliness is a means to financial gain." (1 Timothy 6:5). This is not God's goal or aim, but rather, that God's money be used for his people in need and be used to expand his kingdom.

There is much more to be said about money, and by God's grace we will do so at another time.  Please Lord Jesus, help us to trust you and follow you with our money, with all that we have and with every part of our being.


  1. This is really good. I want to include considerations about how to give money in my budget. I think that God has given me a great amount of his grace and I want to be able to give back. Of course, the money that I make is from the Lord anyway... I need to work harder to be careful in my use of it.

  2. I have thought a great deal about this, and especially as I ask God for a job. If the job I get is from God than the money will be as well. I want to be sure to spend it and steward it as God would lead me. I think there are also somethings that can be even better than money to give. In the case of Peter in Acts 3:6 he sees a lame beggar on the roadside and says,"Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." While I do not have the faith or gifting to heal people of lameness, I do believe that I can talk with people about Jesus and give them my own testimony, and I can join them in prayer over something that they may need. So even though I do not have money or a job to where I can give money at this time, I think God wants us to give of our testimony and time, because that is his just as much as our money.
