Saturday, April 26, 2014

Acts Chapter 8

The excitement continues!  In this chapter it starts with bad news that the stoning of Stephen was the beginning of great persecution and that Saul (later Paul) not only approved of Stephen's execution but now he is going house to house and putting believers in prison.  While this isn't good, it has the effect of disbursing the believers to Judea and Samaria, away from being just congregated in Jerusalem.  I've seen God do this other times when his people are happy staying where they are, he brings some difficulties into their lives to get them to go where he wants them to go.

Philip is then one who is scattered.  There is a Philip who is an apostle and a Philip who is one of the seven ministers (named second after Stephen).  Since Luke says that the apostles stayed in Jerusalem, this must have been the minister.

Several things are interesting and stand out to me in this passage:
1) the order of the preaching and then signs to confirm
2) the baptism in Jesus' name only without the Holy Spirit being given
3) Simon who was a baptized believer who's salvation isn't complete
4) God supernaturally moving Philip around

For the first, when Philip first goes to Samaria, he begins with preaching the good news about Jesus Christ.  Specifically it says that he proclaimed to them the Christ, or Messiah.  Since the Samaritans were also of Jewish background (though considered a mixed group of outcasts by Jews at that time) they also knew about and were awaiting the Messiah (Christ).  So Philip begins by proclaiming that Jesus is the Messiah - that he has come.  And then the Holy Spirit confirmed the message with signs and wonders.  This order of proclamation followed by confirmation of signs is very common, both with Jesus, apostles and disciples.

For the baptism part, this is very interesting.  Philip of course was full of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit was working through him.  He was preaching about Jesus and he baptized the people in Jesus' name but they still didn't have the Holy Spirit fall on them.  This is again an evidence of what some call the "second blessing".  I would say that in Acts we've seen that first that baptism in the Holy Spirit isn't a one time event as the apostles and believers in Jerusalem were baptized in the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 and Acts 4.  Now we are also seeing that people can be baptized in water in the name of Jesus but not have the Holy Spirit "fall on them" or "come on them".  The Holy Spirit then came on them as a result of the apostles laying hands on them (though the apostles and believers in Jerusalem didn't have someone lay their hands on them when they received the Holy Spirit).  So this tells me these things: 1) The experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit can come in different ways for different people at different times 2) We can be filled with the Holy Spirit more than one time 3) It is possible to be a baptized believer who hasn't had the Holy Spirit come upon them and this difference is evident to those who have experienced and received the Holy Spirit.

So that leads me to want to pray to be baptized in Holy Spirit more and regularly and in such a way that it is evident to me and others!  Lord Jesus, I need more of you and more of your Holy Spirit!  Father God, please send your Holy Spirit in power to fill and come upon me and upon your church!  We need you in our lives!  We love you and want more of your presence, more of your love and more of your power in our lives!  Come Holy Spirit!

About the other items, I won't comment too much right now.  Lord thank you for your word and please give us more of you!


  1. When Philip preached Gospel, he did miracles including driving out evil spirit from people, healing paralytics and cripples. For me, I think when I preach Gospel to people I can share them with my own testimonies that God heals my depression and my marriage, which are also big miracles to me.

    Verse 20, the Holy Spirit cannot be obtained by money, because He is God. Only through seeking God and surrender ourselves (money, time, thoughts and plans, etc) to God, we may receive the Holy Spirit.

    Verse 24, Simon asked apostles pray for him so that he could be saved. I think Simon should repent of his sins and pray to God himself first, and then the apostles’ prayer can help to deliver him.

    The Ethiopian eunuch was an important official and he believed in Jesus and got baptized. I hope more officials in our countries can know Jesus and believe in Him and get saved.

  2. It cleary say again that we can't buy or gain the gift of God with money. Much money even can bother for us to come into the kingdom of God as we have seen in the rich young ruler.

    The story of Phillip and Ethiopian was showing me who should I talk about God. The spirit was leading Phillip directly "Go to the chariot and stay near it". The eunuch was hungry for the truth and ready to receive the gift of God.

    Oh Lord,
    Please tell me the one to talk about you and open the way to spread your Gospel!

  3. I agree with Hanjun that Simon the Sorcerer, who was baptized with water and yet his "heart was not right with God", he did not truly repent at the rebuke of Peter. He could have listened and asked God directly for mercy and choose to change his mind--but it appears he was proud and did not respond well to what the Holy Spirit was speaking to him. I want to be careful to respond to what the Holy Spirit says to me in every way. I have felt hurt or embarrassed when I am rebuked, but that is a result of sinful pride, and I need God to have mercy on me and help me to be free from that pride that holds me back from the life that God intends for me.

    Also, to Hanjun, I believe that the Holy Spirit is still working in the same way today. As you or I or anyone who believes in and follows Jesus preaches to others in his name, I expect that signs and wonders will accompany that message as God confirms his word. I agree that it is good to share testimonies of what God has done for us which we know to be miracles, but other people may not have seen that before.

    I also like how God leads Philip to know exactly who to talk to and what to say. I am praying for God to lead me in my daily life and actions, and I am wanting to grow in discernment to check and have confidence that it is the Holy Spirit leading me.
