Pride is a deadly sin. As are jealousy, comparison, slander and gossip. The church in Corinth is wrestling with these problems and they are problems that we regularly wrestle with today.
In today's world where self-esteem is emphasized, where any wrong behavior is justified to get ahead - cheating, stealing and lying are acceptable if you don't get caught, and where fame, material possessions and financial prosperity are the ultimate goal, the example of the cross - humility, self-sacrifice, servanthood - doesn't go over very well.
Why would Paul, a successful, up-and-coming scholar leave his high position and become an itinerant preacher who is ridiculed, beaten, imprisoned, poorly dressed and homeless? Why would Jesus, who was God, King of the universe, and had all power, authority, lacked nothing, why would Jesus leave all of that and empty himself of his power and become a servant, born in an animal stable, an itinerant preacher who was a social outcast, rejected by the wealthy and powerful and finally be mocked, falsely accused, beaten and crucified? And he knew at the beginning that this would happen. Why? Because of love. Because of a greater, higher cause than physical comfort, popularity, fame and wealth.
Jesus gave himself up for you and me and suffered all that he did because he loves us. That may seem impossible to believe, but think about the person(s) in your life who you love the most. What would you do to protect them if you knew they were in danger? What would you do to get them back if they were kidnapped? How hard would you work to make sure they were taken care of, had food to eat if they had none? Movies and stories like "Taken", "Not Without My Daughter" and many others play off of these emotions.
All of these powerful emotions that we can feel are there because of the remaining image of God that is within us. When God made us, he made us in his image, in his likeness. That image has been marred and covered by our sin and the sins of others so that sometimes it is unrecognizable but underneath it still is there, awaiting redemption, resurrection and life.
God sees us in our fallen state and loves us. He wants better for us. He wants to pick us up and bring us to new places, places of life, fulfillment, joy, belonging, hope and love. He wants us to be with him, to know him, to establish a new,deep, fulfilling relationship with us in love. That is why he left everything for us and why Paul left everything.
So God is calling us. Calling us out of our comfort, out of our pride, out of our own way of doing things to follow him. And Paul echos Jesus' call and asks us to imitate him. To leave our pride and self righteousness and follow the way of Christ, the greater and higher calling of the cross of Christ. Because he loved us, we love him. Because he served us, we serve others.
Father, let me know your heart. To feel what you feel, to love how you love. I need more of you and more of your goodness in my life. Call us and draw us ever closer to you. Let my life be lived to your glory and in your name.
In today's world where self-esteem is emphasized, where any wrong behavior is justified to get ahead - cheating, stealing and lying are acceptable if you don't get caught, and where fame, material possessions and financial prosperity are the ultimate goal, the example of the cross - humility, self-sacrifice, servanthood - doesn't go over very well.
Why would Paul, a successful, up-and-coming scholar leave his high position and become an itinerant preacher who is ridiculed, beaten, imprisoned, poorly dressed and homeless? Why would Jesus, who was God, King of the universe, and had all power, authority, lacked nothing, why would Jesus leave all of that and empty himself of his power and become a servant, born in an animal stable, an itinerant preacher who was a social outcast, rejected by the wealthy and powerful and finally be mocked, falsely accused, beaten and crucified? And he knew at the beginning that this would happen. Why? Because of love. Because of a greater, higher cause than physical comfort, popularity, fame and wealth.
Jesus gave himself up for you and me and suffered all that he did because he loves us. That may seem impossible to believe, but think about the person(s) in your life who you love the most. What would you do to protect them if you knew they were in danger? What would you do to get them back if they were kidnapped? How hard would you work to make sure they were taken care of, had food to eat if they had none? Movies and stories like "Taken", "Not Without My Daughter" and many others play off of these emotions.
All of these powerful emotions that we can feel are there because of the remaining image of God that is within us. When God made us, he made us in his image, in his likeness. That image has been marred and covered by our sin and the sins of others so that sometimes it is unrecognizable but underneath it still is there, awaiting redemption, resurrection and life.
God sees us in our fallen state and loves us. He wants better for us. He wants to pick us up and bring us to new places, places of life, fulfillment, joy, belonging, hope and love. He wants us to be with him, to know him, to establish a new,deep, fulfilling relationship with us in love. That is why he left everything for us and why Paul left everything.
So God is calling us. Calling us out of our comfort, out of our pride, out of our own way of doing things to follow him. And Paul echos Jesus' call and asks us to imitate him. To leave our pride and self righteousness and follow the way of Christ, the greater and higher calling of the cross of Christ. Because he loved us, we love him. Because he served us, we serve others.
Father, let me know your heart. To feel what you feel, to love how you love. I need more of you and more of your goodness in my life. Call us and draw us ever closer to you. Let my life be lived to your glory and in your name.
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