Saturday, June 7, 2014

Galatians Chapter 4 - True Freedom

Several things of interest in this chapter
1) Elementary principles (v 3,9)
2) crying "Abba! Father!"

Paul wants the Galatian believers to be free in Christ Jesus:  free to live a new life, free from old bondages, free to know and belong to Jesus Christ.  In that light, he makes some important comments for us about the original situation of all persons when they are born and before they find freedom in Christ Jesus.  He says that they/we were enslaved by the elementary principles of the world (v 3).  The Greek behind this term is "stoicheia tou kosmou" which most scholars (including FF Bruce, DA Carson, others - see - footnote 10) argue refers to satanic demons - similar to what Paul references in Ephesians 6:12 (spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places).

Three things are interesting to me about this: 1) slavery to these satanic forces is the default condition of all persons until they are set free in Jesus Christ 2) we can and should be set free from them 3) after being set free it is possible, though not desirable, to go back into slavery under these beings.

Having been taught by Pastor Gordon Powlison on how to pray against Principalities and Powers and how to find freedom for myself and others, this scripture is a reminder of the pervasive condition that most people are unaware of and are themselves enslaved by.

Lord Jesus, help us to find freedom in you and be free from these demonic spirits so that we can life in freedom, righteousness and holiness.

The second point of interest is Paul's description of the "Spirit of the Son" whom God has sent into our hearts who cries "Abba! Father!".  We see Jesus talking to the Father this way in the garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14:36) when he is crying out to the Father to release him from the suffering to come if possible.  Paul also describes the spirit of adoption as sons that causes us to cry "Abba! Father!" (Rom 8:15).  This term Abba is a very child-like term, such as a very young child would call their father "daddy" in English.  So we see that we can/should have a relationship with our Father that we view him as our "Daddy God", who is very close to us and personal.  In each of these scriptures, there is a crying out on the part of the person saying "Abba!"  It is a point of desperation, a point of forgetting about the "adult" formalities and getting real at the bottom part of us.  At this point we can call on our Father as a little child and call him "Abba!"  I think that we would do well to not just have this realization at the times of desperation, but in our daily lives as we strip down the mask of "adult propriety" and become real before our Daddy God who loves us.

Daddy God, I thank you for your overwhelming love.  I pray for a deep and fresh revelation of your fatherhood to us.  Let us know you in the depth of our heart and soul and let us love you and receive your love!  Let us be free of our fears and masks and let us know you and love you with all of us.


  1. I believe when we expose our sin completely, we can know how desperate we are and how God is glorious and truly love us.
    I remember that made me closer to God and love him more.
    The keyword for freedom from sin is complete repentance!

    The word "Abba" is the same meaning in Korean language.
    Korean call daddy as "Abba" when child age.
    So, the word "Abba" is always interesting and comfortable to me.

  2. Paul's concern is not only for Galatians, but also for me and other Christians. As Paul mentioned in v9, since we know God and even are known by God, why we turn back to those weak and miserable principles (satanic demons). It reminds me of the parable of sower, where the seed may fall on rocky places, the thorns, or good soil. I think I am in a mixed case, because when trouble or persecution comes because of my faith in Lord Jesus, or when the worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke me, I am influenced by the principles of the world. But in any situations, I have the choice to follow our Daddy God and to be His child. Thank you, Abba Father, for loving me and giving me clear directions on how to do in the front of trials and deceitfulness.
