Monday, June 23, 2014

1 Corinthians Chapter 6 - Sexual Sin Part Deux, Lawsuits and more

This letter to the Corinthians is loaded with practical advice and such that is very applicable today.  The Corinthian church is noted as one that has many problems and perhaps that is why it is quite helpful for today - because we have many problems. :)

Lawsuits Among Believers
The chapter begins on the topic of lawsuits among believers which is an important topic for today - especially in the US - because of the hugely litigious society we live in.  You can barely sneeze without someone threatening a lawsuit. Summarizing what Paul says regarding lawsuits among believers: 1) Don't sue - it is better to be wronged 2) Especially don't go to secular court against a brother or sister in Christ.  Use arbitration within the church and agree to have someone in the body of Christ arbitrate the difference.

God's Power To Change Us
A passing comment that Paul makes in verse 11 is of great importance, "And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."  In the sentence before, Paul makes clear that 1) sins such as sexual immorality, adultery, homosexuality, idolatry, thievery, greed, swindling, drunkenness and slander will keep us out of the kingdom of God 2) the Corinthians USED TO be these things and 3) God has the power and grace to change us and cleanse us from the past and make us righteous in Christ Jesus.

Wow!  Thank you Jesus for your forgiveness and power!

It should also be noted that those verses (v 9-11) have important things to say about the current homosexual debates: 1) homosexuality is a sin - as are other sexual sins 2) persons who were once caught in that sin can, by the power of Jesus Christ, come out of the sin to forgiveness, healing and righteousness in Jesus Christ.

Sexual Immorality - Part Deux - FLEE
Obviously this topic of sexual immorality is important because Paul is spending a lot of time on it.  Clearly it is important for us today as well because of the wide degree to which it has infected our culture and the church. Three important items from this passage are

  1. Sexual sin is different and worse from other sins because of its more harmful affect to us and because it is a sin against our own bodies.  
  2. When a person sins sexually with another, they become united in body and spirit.  This increases the negative consequence and increases the difficulty in being free. 
  3. We should FLEE from sexual sin.

I heard an interesting and true commentary in a sermon relating to that last point.  Often we as humans - and especially men - treat our weakness toward sin as a weakness that must be strengthened against.  So we try to "become strong" like we would with our body in a gym - perhaps by studying and memorizing scripture and practicing self discipline such as fasting and saying no to temptations. While there is obviously great benefit to that, the error comes when we think that now we are strong so we can be near sexual sin and temptation and not fall.  Paul gives the command to FLEE from sexual immorality, not to strengthen ourselves and stand.  The latter is a trick of the devil.  We should always flee and stay far away from sexual immorality and temptation in that area.  As Proverbs says we cannot carry fire close to our chest or in our lap and not have our clothes burned (Proverbs 6:27).  We should stay away and flee from sexual immorality!  Get up and leave the movie theater!  Turn off the TV!  Turn off the computer!  Don't be deceived and think that "because I am an adult" or "because I am married" it is OK and I can handle this.  No, it is sin and it will burn us and we need to flee!!!  Don't watch it, don't entertain thoughts about it.  Cry out to Jesus for help and FLEE!

Lord Jesus, help us to be free and stay free from sexual immorality!


  1. I have more profound impression on lawsuits between family members. Two years ago I preferred to call 911 and ask policemen to help us to solve the conflicts between husband and wife, because at that time I thought there was no other way that is helpful. But my wife stopped me calling policemen. Now I realize that lawsuit may be temporarily helpful but is harmful for family relationship in long term.

    I thank God for His mercy on me and my family. He teaches me to ask help from elders in Church, because their suggestions are from Bible, which are God's words and work very well for family relationship.

    But I am wondering what we should do if conflicts (e.g., economy, liability) happen between us and other unbelievers? Shall I choose to be wronged and cheated, or go to law against others?

    1. Good question. I specifically mentioned, as does Paul, that the instructions about lawsuits are targeted at lawsuits among believers. In other situations, the law is there to protect the law abiding citizens. Paul, for example, used his Roman citizenship as a protection from being beaten.

      Here are some Biblical principles:
      1) Don't be hasty to take someone to court (Prov 25:8). This would include not having frivolous lawsuits. In general we should try to work things out with the individual (or government or corporation etc) first. This is similar to the Matt 18:15 principle of going to the person first and trying to work it out. If this doesn't work, then you can escalate up the authority chain (which could involve the court system).

      2) We should be careful, especially in dealing with individuals, about the long-term effects of taking someone to court. It will likely permanently damage a relationship. Proverbs 25:9-10 also talks about the ways that publicly airing a dispute and private details (as may be required in a public court) can damage a reputation and a relationship. So it is important to consider the long-term effects of a lawsuit before entering into it. It will not only damage the relationship with that individual, but any others who are friends/contacts of that person.

      3) As in the case of Paul, there are times that a lawsuit may be useful to protect oneself/family/church etc. For instance a restraining order in the case of a violent or dangerous individual may be helpful.

      4) Jesus tells us to come to agreement with an accuser quickly before they take us to court and then we get thrown in jail (Matt 5:25). We are to make sure that if we have done wrong to someone, that we make it right (Matt 5:23-24)

      I'm sure that there are other guidelines and specific situations may require prayer and direction from God about how to proceed in that specific situation, but these are some initial thoughts.

    2. Thanks for your helpful answers! They are from Bible or based on the spirit of Bible.

  2. "Flee from sexual sin" is fundamental but practical way that helps us not to fall into sexual temptation.
    Even though we are saved from sexual sin by repenting and baptism, devil is waiting for the opportune time and trying to deceive us.
    "I'll be fine because I am stronger than before in that area and boasting about myself that I am totally changed" These thinkings may be from devil's deceives.
