Early on as we read this letter of Paul to those who believe in Jesus Christ and who live in Galatia, we see that Paul is upset, even a bit angry. It seems that someone came to Galatia after Paul was there and is distorting the good news (gospel) of Jesus Christ and is leading the Galatians astray.
We don't yet see in this chapter what the specifics of the distortions are, but we do see that Paul is saying that these who are leading the Galatians astray should be accursed. So why is Paul reacting so strongly? I believe it is because Paul is jealous for those who God has given to him. He sees the Galatians as his spiritual children (4:19) and is concerned for their very life.
Some have asked, "Isn't jealousy wrong?" It is wrong when we are jealous for something that isn't ours such as a neighbor's belongings and we are wanting them. But there is a proper and Godly jealousy that is being very dedicated to, protective of and unwilling for harm to come to those persons whom have been entrusted to us. This is like a parent who sees harm coming to a child, and who loves the child so much, that he/she will protect and defend that child from all evil or harm. In fact God is described as a jealous God (Ex 34:14) and he doesn't want his people to follow other false gods. That is because he knows that they are false and wanting really to destroy his people. It would be like a parent who sees their children being "befriended" by a drug dealer who is offering them candy and money. The parent knows that the drug dealer doesn't love them or care about them but wants to use them and will ultimately destroy them. So a parent very rightly is jealous of his/her children and will work very hard to keep them from being taken away and deceived. In fact it would be unloving and wrong for a parent not to do everything that they can and have such a righteous jealousy.
So Paul is very jealous for the Galatians - he loves them deeply and doesn't want them to be deceived and destroyed. He is angry at those who are leading them astray.
Paul, as he is communicating to the Galatians about the gospel, is wanting to make sure that they don't think that the gospel that he told them was merely his opinion or the opinions of man but it is in fact a message directly from God.
I think that this is an important principle in child raising as well. When we are giving instruction to our children, we need to be giving instructions and principles that are based on God's word and his ways and not just our traditions and not just our ideas or not just the latest psychological study. And it is important to communicate to our children the fact that these things are God's commands and not just our own. Human traditions are empty without God, our ideas are empty without God and the latest studies will keep on changing and if they don't agree with God's ways they won't lead to life and freedom. As parents, we need to test those things that we are teaching our children against God's word and not just do them because that is what our parents did or because we read it on the internet or in some child raising book. I'm not opposed to family traditions and not opposed to child psychology, but they need to be tested against God's word and his ways. The good ones will stand the test and will bring life to our children and family instead of dead tradition and false teachings. So we teach our children not to lie, because God says not to lie (Col 3:9) and lying is wrong and liars will not inherit the kingdom of God (Rev 12:8). We teach our children not to use unclean language, not because it isn't polite, but because God teaches us in the Bible not to let any unclean or unwholesome words come out of our mouths, but only what is useful for building others up (Eph 4:29) (and we must lead and teach by example by doing the same in our speech).
Lord Jesus, help us to be holy as you are holy so we can be a righteous example to our children and to those who you bring to us. I thank you that you love us with a jealous love and that you want what is best for us. I pray that you will work in me your ways completely!
We don't yet see in this chapter what the specifics of the distortions are, but we do see that Paul is saying that these who are leading the Galatians astray should be accursed. So why is Paul reacting so strongly? I believe it is because Paul is jealous for those who God has given to him. He sees the Galatians as his spiritual children (4:19) and is concerned for their very life.
Some have asked, "Isn't jealousy wrong?" It is wrong when we are jealous for something that isn't ours such as a neighbor's belongings and we are wanting them. But there is a proper and Godly jealousy that is being very dedicated to, protective of and unwilling for harm to come to those persons whom have been entrusted to us. This is like a parent who sees harm coming to a child, and who loves the child so much, that he/she will protect and defend that child from all evil or harm. In fact God is described as a jealous God (Ex 34:14) and he doesn't want his people to follow other false gods. That is because he knows that they are false and wanting really to destroy his people. It would be like a parent who sees their children being "befriended" by a drug dealer who is offering them candy and money. The parent knows that the drug dealer doesn't love them or care about them but wants to use them and will ultimately destroy them. So a parent very rightly is jealous of his/her children and will work very hard to keep them from being taken away and deceived. In fact it would be unloving and wrong for a parent not to do everything that they can and have such a righteous jealousy.
So Paul is very jealous for the Galatians - he loves them deeply and doesn't want them to be deceived and destroyed. He is angry at those who are leading them astray.
Paul, as he is communicating to the Galatians about the gospel, is wanting to make sure that they don't think that the gospel that he told them was merely his opinion or the opinions of man but it is in fact a message directly from God.
I think that this is an important principle in child raising as well. When we are giving instruction to our children, we need to be giving instructions and principles that are based on God's word and his ways and not just our traditions and not just our ideas or not just the latest psychological study. And it is important to communicate to our children the fact that these things are God's commands and not just our own. Human traditions are empty without God, our ideas are empty without God and the latest studies will keep on changing and if they don't agree with God's ways they won't lead to life and freedom. As parents, we need to test those things that we are teaching our children against God's word and not just do them because that is what our parents did or because we read it on the internet or in some child raising book. I'm not opposed to family traditions and not opposed to child psychology, but they need to be tested against God's word and his ways. The good ones will stand the test and will bring life to our children and family instead of dead tradition and false teachings. So we teach our children not to lie, because God says not to lie (Col 3:9) and lying is wrong and liars will not inherit the kingdom of God (Rev 12:8). We teach our children not to use unclean language, not because it isn't polite, but because God teaches us in the Bible not to let any unclean or unwholesome words come out of our mouths, but only what is useful for building others up (Eph 4:29) (and we must lead and teach by example by doing the same in our speech).
Lord Jesus, help us to be holy as you are holy so we can be a righteous example to our children and to those who you bring to us. I thank you that you love us with a jealous love and that you want what is best for us. I pray that you will work in me your ways completely!
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