Saturday, May 10, 2014

Acts Chapter 22 - Paul's defense in Jerusalem

This chapter is focused around Paul's speech to the Jewish mob in Jerusalem.
In the previous chapter the mob was stirred up and about to kill Paul.  In this chapter he wants to address them all and calmly give his defense of what he has done and why they shouldn't want to kill him.

Several things catch my attention:  First Paul's use of the story of his coming to Christ Jesus, his testimony, as he speaks to unbelievers.  Second, Paul's use of his citizenship for protection.

On the first item, the mob was quite angry and opposed to Paul, but he begins by speaking to them in their native language and works to develop common ground.  The people responded by becoming quiet and listening.  He begins by relating how he is the same as those listening - a Jew, zealous for God and he used to even persecute this group that he is now a part of - the Way.  He then describes how and why he changed.  This is a very effective format and one we should use 1) establish common ground 2) explain how we are the same 3) describe how/why we changed. Of course, when Paul says the word "Gentiles", everything falls apart.  For the Roman soldiers listening, it didn't make any sense and the tribune wanted to know why they were shouting against him like this.  Again we are looking at a spiritual instigation that goes beyond rational understanding - it doesn't make sense.

Lord Jesus, help us to be effective ambassadors of your kingdom and let us speak to others in a way that reaches out to them so that they can hear your good news.

On the second item, Paul's use of his citizenship as a defense, this is the second time we see him doing this.  The first time was in Philippi after being in jail and now in Jerusalem he uses it sooner to prevent being beaten.  While on the one hand, Paul discards all trusting in nationality, family and affiliation and looks only to Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:7-11).  Yet, when his citizenship can protect him or provide benefit, he is not opposed to using it.  So our hope should be in Jesus alone, and he has put certain things into our lives to help us and we needn't be afraid of using them.

I thank you Father that you care about us, you protect us and you never put us in a situation beyond what we can bare without giving us a way out.  Let us listen, seek you and find your perfect will.

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